Using vim editor is a fun if you are good at using it. But same white background, same colors kind or boring. If you can make it look colorful you feel interesting.  Just like gmail themes,  vim has color schemes, which you can use change just like changing themes in gmail, so that you feel interesting working with vim, change it every time you feel like bored.

Installing color schemes for vim editor is pretty simple and straight forward. Git clone the scheme files, put it in ~/.vim folder and you are done.  Let's see how

Step one git clone the below repo
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd /tmp

after you clonned it successfully you’ll see a dir with name vim-colorschemes, with ‘colors’ dir in it. copy that colors dir to ~/.vim this colors dir will have lot of color scheme file with ‘.vim’ extension.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mkdir ~/.vim/colors
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cp -rf /tmp/vim-colorschemes/*  ~/.vim/colors

you have installed them successully, now it’s your turn to use them. open your vim editor and select the color scheme using below command.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ vim

:colorscheme railscasts

“rails casts” is my favorite colorschem so i used it.

see how my vim looks like with new color scheme.

 If you want “iceberg” then type “:colorschem iceberg”

I assume you know basic use of vim and how to pass commands to vim. If you don't want to select every time and wants vim to open this scheme by default them add this command to ~/.vimrc files as shown below

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$  vim ~/.vimrc
colorscheme railscasts

 If you don’t have file then create one.

that’s it you have 10’s of themes with you try changing till you get tired. If you like only couple of schemes, you don’t have to clone entire repo. Follow these steps.

Create ‘colors’ dir in ‘~/vim’
Create a file with scheme name , for ex: ‘rails casts.vim’ under colors dir.
Don’t forget ‘.vim’ extension.
Now open ‘rails casts.vim’ file in git hub and copy paste the content to the file you have created.

Enjoy vim.
gil ...