i was trying to source a file on login, so i have to execute "source my filename" which is a bash command. I tried putting this command in ".bash_login" and ".profile" but didn't work. After spending some time i came to know that it bash looks for ".bashrc", ".profile", ".bash_login" in an order and ignores other files if it found any of the file, which means if ".bashrc" present on the machine other other files will be ignored and won't be working.

So i put my command in ".bashrc" in the bottom of the file. It worked like a charm.  I could have put all my 10 export commands into ".bashrc" instead of using separate file with export commands but the reason was those are not permanent and i want to maintain separate file only for these env variables.

great no worries. i don't have to mess with ".bashrc" by flooding with all my env variables.

gil ...