You have already notice annoying pop up saying, This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Of course it's annoying but there is a valid reason for this.

European Union Laws made all website and blogs to give this information to visitors from EU Countries. Google already embedded this notification into blogger but some times it might not work if you have modified or changed the blogger templated.  So let's see how to generate it for your blog and add it to the template so that you visitors get notified about cookies.

Just to copy paste the below part of code in your blogger template's html code right above </head>. I'll show how to do find it.

  • Log into your blogger dashboard.  Select Theme from the left pane.

  • Click Edit HTML.

  • Now HTML editor opens. Click anywhere in the editor preferably white space and hit Ctrl+F. Did you figure out why do you need to click inside HTML editor ?. We need to search for tag </head>. If you hit Ctrl+F without clicking inside editor you are searching the webpage not the code inside the editor. So do it.
     Note: Before editing HTML template, don't forget to back it up.

  • Search for the tag </head> and paste the below chunk of code just above it. If you not cautious you could mess up your template, So keep it in mind. 
Great you did it. do you want to see the notification looks like ? then go to Europe :) just kidding.  just change the .com in your blog url to

Ex: and hit enter

There you are. See how nice you done. You blog now prompting visitors to click ok to use cookies.